Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) Manager, Ryan Moseley, chatting with a participant of the YES Crop Over networking event, held last Friday at The Penthouse, Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James. (Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme)

Helping local entrepreneurs learn, share, empower, and build camaraderie was the focus of the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme’s (YES) “Crop Over” networking event, held last Friday.

The second instalment of the event at The Penthouse, Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St. James, provided a unique opportunity for past and present YES clients and business network clientele to connect, build new business relationships, and foster valuable connections.

In his remarks, YES Manager, Ryan Moseley, told the entrepreneurs that another aim of hosting the event is to stimulate economic activity and to incite possible collaborations in marketing products.

Mr. Moseley encouraged attendees to leverage the event to gain valuable insights and form fruitful connections.

“Tonight is a night where we allow ourselves to benefit from interaction through fruitful discussion. Although it is a social event, the main theme is networking. We want persons to be free to discuss business, discuss their business ideas, share their experiences good and bad, so that the young and upcoming entrepreneurs can avoid some of those pitfalls and also make better informed decisions. 

“So, network, network! I trust at the end there will be some fruitful discussions and there will be some good partnerships formed, and these will redound to further business, more business for you the entrepreneur,” Mr. Moseley said.

Organiser of the event, YES Business Development Consultant and Camp Director, Celia Collymore, explained that networking is known as an information gathering process, and it is a powerful relationship building practice, which can increase business opportunities and help entrepreneurs be more visible in the marketplace.  So, as part of the event, persons also played games and won prizes, which came from YES clients.

Participants in the “Crop Over” networking sessions included a number of businesses offering agricultural products, artwork, food and food condiments, jewellery, and photography.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme, with its motto “From idea to enterprise”, affords its clients, aged 30 and under, direct technical assistance; facilitation of access to financial assistance; a mentorship programme; an entrepreneurial development training programme; and accounting and marketing services.

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