Parents and guardians of children entering the St. George Secondary School for the first time in September are invited to a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Education at the school in Constant, St. George, on Monday, July 17, or Tuesday, July 18.
This is in an effort to understand the level of Mathematics skills of the new intake and provide relevant and meaningful programmes in Mathematics for these children.
Parents and guardians are only required to come to the school on either one of these days with their charges.
The objective of the diagnostic session is to aid the Ministry in determining exactly what are the child’s strengths or weaknesses in the area of Mathematics. The Ministry will then seek to tailor a course of action designed to target the specific needs of each child.
This activity is also aimed at providing tangible benefits for students as they embark on their journey throughout this secondary school. It is also targeted at helping them optimise the opportunities available at the new school.
For further information on the programme, parents and guardians should contact Wendy Griffith at 535-0690, or email