The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) hosted a Media Sensitisation Workshop on Suicide Prevention, at the Accra Beach Hotel and Spa, in response to an increase in the number of completed suicides in Barbados in recent times. (S. Medford/BGIS)

Local journalists, communications specialists, and representatives from the Ministry of Health and Wellness received useful and possibly life-saving information as they participated in a Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Media Sensitisation Workshop on Suicide Prevention, at the Accra Beach Hotel and Spa, Rockley, Christ Church, on Monday.

The workshop was held in response to an increase in the number of completed suicides in Barbados in recent times. Participants were told by PAHO/WHO Consultant, Dr. Daniel Reidenberg, that they had a very important role and responsibility when reporting on this public health issue.

He emphasised that ethical practices and caution were required when reporting such information to the public to prevent a phenomenon referred to as “contagion”. Dr. Reidenberg also encouraged media practitioners to use appropriate and sensitive language when reporting on suicides and underscored the importance of educating readers, listeners, and viewers on the resources available to them.

During the training session, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. The Most Honourable, Kenneth George, disclosed that the Ministry of Health and Wellness was in the process of establishing a suicide hotline, where persons could call to seek help. Additionally, suicide reporting guidelines will be developed and distributed to local media houses following the workshop.

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