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The Economic Affairs Division of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment, in its capacity as National Liaison Office for the Organization of American States (OAS) is inviting interested persons to apply for scholarships for graduate studies under the OAS’ Partnerships Program for Education and Training.

The scholarships offered for the Masters of Law Degree, tenable at the American University Washington College of Law, United States of America, will be delivered onsite, online or hybrid.

The deadline for applications at American University Washington College of Law is Tuesday, November 1, for lessons delivered onsite, and Wednesday, November 30, for the online or hybrid format.

Prospective students may also apply for the onsite Masters in International Affairs at the New School University in New York.  The deadline for applications for studies onsite is Tuesday, November 1.

Further information on the programmes, scholarship benefits and how to apply, can be found at http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/.


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