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Consumers will soon get an opportunity to learn more about artificial intelligence (AI) and some government departments that work on their behalf.

An outreach event will be held to observe World Consumer Rights Day, on Friday, March 15, in Shepherd’s Alley, The City, which is located between Bridgetown Duty Free and Norman Centre, on Broad Street.

Hosted by the Office of Public Counsel, Department of Commerce and Consumers Affairs, the Fair Trading Commission, and the Barbados National Standards Institution, the outreach will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Fair and Responsible AI For Consumers is the theme of this year’s World Consumer Rights Day.

Acting Public Counsel in the Office of Public Counsel, Douglas Frederick, underscored the importance of the outreach and encouraged Barbadians to come to the event and be sensitised about the impact of AI on consumers.

“Artificial intelligence is an everyday part of our world; we use it on our phones and computers. Therefore, it is necessary to educate persons about their rights as consumers, and the responsibilities placed on businesses and suppliers who utilise artificial intelligence,” Mr. Frederick explained.

AI refers to the “development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence”. Various techniques are used, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.

It is said “these systems are designed to analyse large amounts of data, recognise patterns, make decisions, and perform actions to achieve specific goals. AI also has the potential to transform several aspects of life, including education, learning, working, shopping, and jobs”.

World Consumer Rights Day is observed annually on March 15. The objective of the day is to ensure consumers have all the necessary information to make informed decisions.

World Consumer Rights Day empowers consumers, draws attention to their rights, and pushes legislators and companies to give fair trade, safe products, and moral behaviour priority. It has been celebrated since 1983.


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