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Students of the Barbados Community College (BCC) and their guests will get an opportunity to share their views with the Parliamentary Reform Commission (PRC) during a special meeting on Monday, October 9.

The town hall meeting will be held at the BCC, and students of history, law, government and politics are expected to be in attendance.

Senator Elizabeth Thompson, who is one of the commissioners, said the BCC had requested the meeting, which she expects to be highly interactive.

“The fact that they have asked to meet with us is an indication of the kind of interest and enthusiasm that young people have in the parliamentary reform process, and the appreciation they have for being given an opportunity, voice, and space in this process.

“We recently had a national youth town hall meeting and received contributions from students. This invitation shows that there remains keen interest on the part of the BCC to still make a specific contribution, and this really augurs well for the work of the Commission and the effort we have made to reach people,” Senator Thompson stated.

Stressing that the Parliamentary Reform Commission was breaking new ground, she pointed out that no national reform commission or process had specifically held town hall meetings to hear the youth’s perspective.

“We are really breaking new ground and doing our utmost to get the views of Barbados’ young people on board in this national reform process of our Parliament,” the Commissioner added.

She noted that just under 3,000 people had already viewed the recent town hall meeting for youth online, in which submissions came from the Barbados Youth Development Council, the Youth Parliament, and other youth organisations and entities.

“In fact, more oral submissions were made at the town hall meeting for youth than at any of our previously held town hall meetings. We now have to go through the written submissions that have been sent as well, so we are very pleased with this kind of response,” Senator Thompson said.


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