From left to right – Acting Deputy Permanent in Cabinet Office, Selma Green; Chief Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation, Carol Roberts- Reifer; Minister with responsibility for Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight; and Military Advisor to the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell, in discussion following yesterday’s press conference. (GP)

A pre check-in system and online registration will be put in place to eliminate bottlenecks at the gates of Kensington Oval and to usher in more than 6,000 Humanitarian Awardees and their guests seamlessly.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight, Chief Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation, Carol Roberts- Reifer are encouraging awardees to utilise these systems during a press conference yesterday to give further details on the second awards ceremony slated for this Sunday, November 20, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The NCF CEO stated that awardees can be screened by volunteers while travelling on the bus or by pre-registering online via the TicketLinkz platform. 

She stressed that pre-registered awardees would be ushered into an express line clearly identified by signage. They will enter via the Herman Griffith Gate.

In expressing similar sentiments, Minister Munro-Knight pointed out that everything would be done to ensure a smooth execution of the ceremony.

“We are seeking to learn some of the lessons from earlier this year by making sure that each of the processes are extremely efficient as possible. We will be having a pre check process both onsite and also as people take the park and ride service which will also be available,” she underlined.

The Minister continued: “I do want to invite all of the awardees to please come out Kensington Oval on Sunday at 10 a.m. where you will be awarded. This is something that we want to do to demonstrate, how the government feels about the contributions you have made as awardees.  We really are encouraging all of you who would have received invitations to the event, please come on out and participate.  We will once again as we did the last time, have entertainment and make sure that the ceremony is one that everybody can enjoy.”

Senator Dr. Munro-Knight informed that a commemorative booklet of the event would be available in 2023 to allow “awardees to be able to have a memento of the occasion to see their photographs and have their names in a booklet in order to commemorate the journey and their contribution as well”.

Regarding the logistics on the day of the Ceremony, Military Advisor to the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell, said the four gates would be opened at 7:00 a.m. for the awardees and their guests to be seated ahead of the arrival of the President of Barbados Her Excellency The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason. 

He encouraged awardees to use the system for guaranteed express entry into Kensington Oval.

Park and ride services will commence at 6:30 a cost of $7. round trip.  They will operate from the National Cultural Foundation’s Carpark at West Terrace St. James, Queen’s College, Husbands, St. James and the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex.

Meanwhile Minister Munro-Knight and Acting Deputy Permanent in Cabinet Office, Selma Green, gave the assurance that government intended to honour its commitment to pay the $500 monetary award, pointing out that the funds had already been set aside.

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