Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. (FP)

Prime Minister Mottley of Barbados extends warm congratulations to all 24 members of the Transition Committee of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), for successfully reaching agreement on a recommendation to COP28 for operationalising the Climate Loss and Damage Fund.

This significant milestone, marks a crucial step forward in addressing the adverse impacts of the climate crisis and supporting vulnerable countries and communities.

The operationalisation of the Fund will help affected nations better receive the necessary resources to address the loss of lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems, as well as non-economic losses resulting from the climate crisis.

At a time when multilateralism is sorely needed, the operationalising of the Climate Loss and Damage Fund at COP28, will be a testament to the collective commitment of nations to tackle the challenges posed by the climate crisis. Prime Minister Mottley recognises that the Transition Committee had a challenging task, given the constraints on public finances everywhere.

The Prime Minister, particularly wants to thank co-chairs Outi Honkatukia of Finland and Richard Sherman of South Africa, for their tireless efforts in developing a robust and transparent operationalising instrument for a Fund, to provide much-needed, grant-based support to countries particularly impacted by climate loss and damage.

She also thanked the incoming and outgoing COP Presidencies and their outstanding teams for their strong support and encouragement of the process.

Prime Minister Mottley calls on developed and developing nations to commit to the Climate Loss and Damage Fund, in ways that reflect their differentiated responsibilities and capabilities.

Prime Minister Mottley concluded by expressing the appreciation of the Government of Barbados for the leadership displayed by the Barbados real climate negotiating team, led by Avinash Persaud and Ricardo Marshall and ably supported by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prime Minister’s Office

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