National Coordinator of the Ministry of Energy and Business’ financial literacy initiative, David Simpson, explaining the importance of financial literacy to 2nd Form students of the St. Leonard’s Boys’ School recently (FP)

An increasing number of citizens seem to be on a mission to improve their financial literacy as they attempt to better manage their money.

National Coordinator of the Ministry of Energy and Business’ financial literacy initiative, David Simpson, said some people had already reached out to the programme’s team for assistance, and he stressed that others are expected to do so.

“We have already had a few charities, community organisations and other agencies requesting presentations for their members, and we will facilitate them over the next few months through the various other components of our programme, to be rolled out shortly.

“We can also assist businesses, church groups, clubs, or corporate groups that require us to come in and make presentations on money matters, or any aspect of financial education to their membership,” he stated.

Persons should call the Ministry at 535-7700, or email to arrange such presentations.

Mr. Simpson pointed out that the customary online webinars have been revamped and restructured to a full Webinar Teaching Series, and it is expected to begin in the first quarter of the financial year 2024/25. That programme is being organised by Coordinator for the Schools and Online Programmes, Corey Worrell.

“There will be curricula for the courses, and at the end participants will be awarded a certificate of completion,” he said.

He added that professionals or organisations who currently administer their own programmes are also invited to seek partnerships with the Ministry’s programme.

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