Chief Fire Officer, Errol Maynard. (FP)

The Barbados Fire Service (BFS) has reported a reduction in overall fire incidents for the first half of 2024 compared to last year. Last year’s figures for the period January 1 to June 14 were 991, while this year, the figure is 771.

Chief Fire Officer, Errol Maynard, revealed the statistics following a recognition ceremony for female officers of the BFS this morning at its Head Office, General Post Office Building, Cheapside.

He disclosed that private dwelling house fires for the reported period in 2023 were 38 and this year the figure stood at 29.

Mr. Maynard appealed to the public to install smoke detectors, acquire fire extinguishers for their homes, and take out the requisite insurance for their property. 

He said he noticed that many people were installing cameras on their properties to identify or ward off burglars who may steal a few items, “while a fire carries away everything”.

The Chief Fire Officer cautioned people to pay attention to their fans and avoid overloading extension cords and charging cellular phones on their beds, especially overnight. 

He also advised persons to monitor flickering lights in their homes, as it could be a warning sign that there may be an electrical problem, and to keep up to date with their electrical house inspections.

Mr. Maynard also disclosed that grass and rubbish fires continue to lead the statistics, and urged the public to dispose of their rubbish properly and to clean up around their properties.

“Grass fires, which is still a bugbear, for this period last year we had 527, but currently for the year, we only have 381, although that 381 is still too many because some of these fires also damaged people’s homes and such like. So, we [are] still appealing to persons not to indiscriminately light fires [and] clean around their homes….

“We also would have seen a rise in rubbish fires [which] means that people … [are] trying to get rid of it, so then they start to burn it but that is not what we are advocating. What we are advocating is that you package it properly and work with the Sanitation Services Authority to get the rubbish removed from your premises,” the Chief Fire Officer stated.

Other statistics for the period show an increase in motor vehicle fires. There were 31 for this year and 26 for last year.  Meanwhile, there was a reduction in cane fires with 46 being recorded for January 1 to June 14, 2023, and 33 for the same period this year.

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