Registration for the National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) Project Safeguarding Our Future Today (Project S.O.F.T.) Camp Programme is open.

The camp will be held from September 1 to 7 at the Eastern Caribbean Bible Camp, Ruby House, Ruby, St. Philip.

Project S.O.F.T. is a programme in the form of a camp that helps children and their parents prepare for the changes of transitioning from primary to secondary school.

The programme consists of a sleep-in camp for six nights.  While at the camp, children are educated on how to maintain good healthy habits, how to control their anger, the dangers of drug use, and how to develop a positive self-concept. 

They are also taught how to read and follow a timetable, how to work independently of a teacher, and other life skills needed to navigate the transition.

Spaces are limited and parents interested in signing up their child/ward should contact the NCSA at telephone number 535-6272, or email ncsa.info@barbados.gov.bb.


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