(Stock Photo)

Registration for first-form students entering the Princess Margaret Secondary School for the academic year 2024-2025 will take place in the Reginald Lewis Auditorium, at the school, Six Roads, St. Philip, on Thursday, July 25, from 9:00 a.m.

Parents/guardians are advised to be punctual and to bring the following documents to complete the registration process: student’s original birth certificate, national identification card or passport, student’s immunisation certificate, and a recent passport-sized photograph of the child/ward.

Parents/guardians are also reminded that the following fees are payable at registration: textbook loan, PTA fees, petty fees, games uniform, and house shirt fees.

For further information, contact the school by calling 367-8140 or 367-8155, or by emailing principal@pmss.edu.bb or princessmargaretsecondary@mes.edu.bb.


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