Chief Fire Officer, Errol Maynard (left), and Deputy Chief Fire Officer Henderson Patrick (right) pose with awardees (from left to right) – former Sub Officer, Juanita Greaves; former Acting Sub Officer, Hermina Barrow; and former Leading Fire Officer, Ena Gittens at today’s recognition ceremony. (S. Forde-Craigg/BGIS)

Three former Barbados Fire Service female officers have been recognised for their outstanding service and contribution to the development of the department.

Those three ladies were former Acting Sub Officer, Hermina Barrow, who joined the BFS in 1986; and former Leading Fire Officer, Ena Gittens, and former Sub Officer, Juanita Greaves, who were both in the first set of female officers to join the BFS in 1979.

Chief Fire Officer, Errol Maynard, speaking during a recognition ceremony this morning at the BFS Head Office, General Post Office Building, Cheapside, noted that it was his honour to celebrate what he described as a “momentous occasion”, where the achievements of female firefighters, who have shown exceptional dedication, resilience, and commitment over the years, could be recognised.

“The journey of women in firefighting has been one of overcoming barriers and challenging stereotypes. Traditionally, firefighting was seen as a male-dominated profession due to the physical demanding nature of the job. However, women like Ms Reveira, Ms. Barrow, Ms. Gittens, and Ms. Greaves, have proven time and time again, that they possess the strength, courage, and skills required to excel in this field,” Mr. Maynard stated.

Also taking place at the recognition ceremony was the promotion of Angela Reveira to the rank of Station Officer.

“I am honoured to acknowledge Angela Reveira, who has made history by becoming the first female officer to reach a senior management position in 45 years, since women were first enlisted in the service in 1979. Her accomplishment is not just a personal triumph but a landmark for all women in the fire and rescue service,” the Chief Fire Officer said.

He indicated that despite advancements across the globe in the field of fire and rescue services, the journey for females in this sector was met with some challenges, for example, a lack of females in leading management positions.

Chief Fire Officer, Errol Maynard, and Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Henderson Patrick, pose with with newly appointed Station Officer, Angela Reveira, after receiving her new ranking epaulettes. (S. Forde-Craigg/BGIS)

To this end, he said it is essential that “we continue to support and empower our females, providing them with the opportunities and resources they need to thrive”.

“The success of these four individuals – Ms. Reveira, Ms. Barrow, Ms. Gittens, and Ms. Greaves – are beacons of hope and a testimony to what can be achieved with determination and perseverance. These stories will undoubtedly inspire many other women to pursue careers in fire and firefighting, knowing that they too can rise to the highest ranks through hard work and dedication.

“As we celebrate this milestone let us also reflect on the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment within the Fire Service. This includes implementing policies that promote gender equality, providing mentorship programmes and ensuring that all members, regardless of gender, have the equal opportunities for advancement,” Chief Maynard stressed.

He advised females interested in joining the Barbados Fire Service that “hard work and perseverance are key”. He encouraged them to be inspired by the four females, who are not only leaders but also role models, and follow in their footsteps aiming for the highest positions in the service.

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