The road being paved at Shorey Village, St. Andrew. (MTWW)

Paving will soon be completed on the roads in Shorey Village, St. Andrew, following four months of rehabilitative road and drainage construction in the area.

The work was conducted under the Scotland District Road and Bridge Rehabilitation Project, which is funded by the Exim Bank of China. The China National Complete Plant Import and Export Corporation Limited (COMPLANT) is responsible for executing the project on the ground.

Local contractor C.O. Williams Construction Ltd. was utilised to carry out this section of work, which commenced in late August. It included surface and deep milling, repairs to the subgrade, curb and slipper installation and repairs, along with minor drainage upgrades.

Approximately 108 roads and 15 bridges in the Scotland District will be rehabilitated under the project.

Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources

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