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The Run, Tsunami Run 5K Walk and Run comes off on Sunday, March 26, at 4:00 p.m., and will start and finish at the Worthing Post Office, Worthing, Christ Church.

This is the final activity for Coastal Hazards and Earthquake Smart Month, which runs from March 1 to 31 under the theme All Aboard with Coastal Resilience.

Persons interested in taking part in the Run Tsunami Run may register from Friday, March 10, by clicking here.

Registered participants may collect their bibs and T-shirts from Monday, March 13, at the Department of Emergency Management’s (DEM) office at No. 24 Warrens Industrial Park, Warrens, St. Michael, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

They are also encouraged to bring along a can or non-perishable food item or toiletries in aid of the Thelma Vaughan Children’s Home.

Participants will move off from the Hawthorn Methodist Church and the Worthing Fire Station, and head up Rendezvous Hill, turning right into Rendezvous Gardens, left onto 3rd Avenue, left onto 2nd Avenue and return to Rendezvous Hill.  They will then make their way down the hill, turn right onto Golf Club Road, left onto Dayrell’s Road and continue onto Browne’s Gap, before making a left turn and continuing along the road until they reach Hastings Main Road, before making their way back to the Worthing Post Office.

Competitors will have an opportunity to win first, second and third place prizes. They will also be prizes for a male and female runner; the youngest walker; the oldest walker and a special needs participant.

Participants are also encouraged to donate canned goods, non-perishable items and toiletries to a food drive in aid of the Thelma Vaughan Children’s Home.

The 5K run and walk is designed to highlight coastal evacuation areas. Coastal Hazard and Earthquake Smart Month is organised by the Technical Standing Committee on Coastal Hazards, chaired by the DEM and Coastal Zone Management Unit.


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