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Mental Health and the Young Worker is the theme of an upcoming seminar to be held this month by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector.

The event targets youth between the ages of 18 and 35, and it will be conducted by the Labour Department on Wednesday, September 25, in the Main Conference Room, 2nd Floor East, Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, St. Michael.

It will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Among the key topics to be discussed are Recognition of Workplace Stress, Burnout, Grief, Depression, Anxiety and Psychosis; Navigating Mental Health Issues in the Workplace and Digital Detox.

Interested persons are asked to note that spaces for the workshop are limited. As such, they are encouraged to register early on the Ministry’s website and via the following link https://forms.gle/H5iGD1eXtrskeDuE9.

All registration must be completed by Friday, September 13.


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