The Geriatric Hospital. (FP)

The Ministry of Health and Wellness advises that there has been an increase in the detected cases of COVID-19 over the last four weeks at the Geriatric Hospital, Beckles Road, and the Psychiatric Hospital, Black Rock, both in St. Michael.

However, the Ministry has been able to contain the transmission of the virus at these two institutions.  At the Geriatric Hospital, only two patients are in isolation, down from a maximum of 18 in one day, while at the Psychiatric Hospital, three persons remain in isolation, from a maximum of 10.

Regrettably, three elderly patients, all wards of the Geriatric Hospital with co-morbidities succumbed to the viral illness.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness is reminding the public that in order to prevent the transmission of any type of respiratory illness, persons should wash their hands frequently and wear masks when attending to elderly or vulnerable individuals.  

Ministry of Health and Wellness

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