QEH Advises Asthmatics To Be Careful

QEH Advises Asthmatics To Be Careful

(Stock Photo) The QEH is advising patients with chronic respiratory illnesses to protect themselves by avoiding large gatherings and practising good hand hygiene regularly. Although there is no cure for asthma, prescribed maintenance medication when used as directed...
QEH Advises Asthmatics To Be Careful

Asthma Outreach For Primary Schools

(Stock Photo) Students at three primary schools in St. John will learn more about asthma and how to manage the disease when the public health nurses at the David Thompson Health and Social Services Complex visit their schools this week. Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 28, the...
Revised Treatment Protocol For Asthmatics Visiting AED

Discussion On Adult Onset Asthma

When the Glebe Polyclinic’s Men’s Health Group meets on Thursday, May 9, the topic of discussion will be Adult Onset Asthma. All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting, which takes place at the polyclinic, Glebe Land, St. George, beginning at 6:30 p.m....

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