Government Nurseries Closed Tomorrow

Government Nurseries Closed Tomorrow

(Stock Photo) Day nurseries operating under the Child Care Board (CCB) will be closed tomorrow, Friday, June 7. The closure is to facilitate a team building exercise, which will be undertaken by the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs for staff at the...
Open Days At Government Day Nurseries

Open Days At Government Day Nurseries

(Stock Photo) As part of the celebrations for Child Month 2024, the doors of government day nurseries across the island will be flung open for parents/guardians and others to visit. Open Day starts this week, May 6 to 10, at the following nurseries: John Beckles;...
Open Days At Government Day Nurseries

Open Days At Government Day Nurseries

(Stock Photo) Parents and guardians of children at the Haynesville, Bagatelle, Eden Lodge, Nightengale and the Farm day nurseries are encouraged to visit their open days during the week commencing Monday, May 15. The nurseries will open their doors to the public...

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