Fisherfolk To Be At Centre Of Talks

Fisherfolk To Be At Centre Of Talks

Ministry of the Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy, Adrian Forde. (FP) Fisherfolk will play a major role in discussions, when fish processors meet with officials from the Ministry of the Environment and National Beautification, Green and...
Fish Processors In Barbados Going Above & Beyond

Fish Processors In Barbados Going Above & Beyond

Chief Fisheries Officer, Dr. Shelly-Ann Cox. (GP) Large fish processors in Barbados have been lauded for going the extra mile in support of the fishing industry. This praise has come from Chief Fisheries Officer, Dr. Shelly-Ann Cox, who was speaking at a recent press...
Fisherfolk To Be Honored At Awards Ceremony

Fisherfolk To Be Honored At Awards Ceremony (Barbados Fisheries Division) Fishers in Barbados will soon be celebrated and recognised for their contribution to the development of the fishing industry over the years. The inaugural ‘Fisheries Ball and Awards...

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