No Jobs To Be Lost During Evaluation Exercise

No Jobs To Be Lost During Evaluation Exercise

Director General (Governance) Gail Atkins. (GP) Government is currently conducting a public sector job evaluation exercise to ensure that the public sector keeps pace with rapid developments in the global arena. The exercise, being conducted by the Sagicor Cave Hill...
Modernising Public Sectors Is No Easy Task

Modernising Public Sectors Is No Easy Task

Caribbean Telecommunications Union Secretary General, Rodney Taylor. (CTU) Secretary General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), Rodney Taylor, has commended the Barbados Government for embarking on its Public Sector Modernisation Programme but stated...
Public Sector Wage Talks By Month End

Public Sector Wage Talks By Month End

Government has given the green light for the commencement of discussions on wages and salary negotiations and allowances for public sector employees. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, made this announcement during a wide ranging hybrid press conference from Ilaro Court...

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