No Cases Of H1N1 Virus So Far This Year

No Cases Of H1N1 Virus So Far This Year

The Ministry of Health and Wellness is assuring the public that there have been no cases of the Influenza A H1N1 virus recorded in Barbados so far this year. This comes on the heels of news out of Trinidad and Tobago of three deaths attributed to the virus, commonly...
Technology Vital To Pharmaceutical Care

Technology Vital To Pharmaceutical Care

Senior Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Anton Best, has emphasised the importance of using information technology to improve pharmaceutical care. He proffered this view recently while delivering remarks on behalf of Minister of Health, John Boyce, at a ceremony to...
Pharmacists Urged To Continue Training

Pharmacists Urged To Continue Training

Although the pharmacy profession has a rich and prestigious history, a senior health professional is encouraging members of that body to keep up-to-date academically in line with the changes in their profession. This advice has come from Senior Medical Officer of...

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