COVID-19 Update: National Count At 34

COVID-19 Update: National Count At 34

(Stock Image) One more person tested positive for COVID-19 in Barbados yesterday. Results returned by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory today revealed that a 24-year-old man who was identified through contact tracing was the only positive case out of 22...
COVID-19 Update: National Count At 34

COVID-19 Update: National Count At 33

(Stock Image) Seven Barbadians tested positive for COVID-19 over the last two days – four on Friday, March 27 and three on Saturday, March 28. Those receiving positive results for the viral illness on Friday were a 78-year-old woman and a 52-year-old man who recently...
BWA Update On Impact Of Power Outages

BWA Update On Impact Of Power Outages

Customers who have tap-borne water are reminded to collect and store some in the event that the outages continue or recur. (Stock Photo) The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) wishes to advise the public that the following stations are back online using standby...
Additional Data

Additional Data

Click here to download additional information for creditors. Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs & Investment

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