The Mighty Grynner Highway. (FP)

A number of traffic changes will be put in place on Saturday, August 3, for the Foreday Morning Jam, which will commence at three points – Queen’s Park, Helipad Car Park, and Barbados Investment & Development Corporation’s (BIDC) car park, St. Michael.

During that period, Mighty Grynner Highway, from its junction with Holborn Circle to its junction with Frank Worrell Roundabout, St. Michael, will be closed to all vehicular traffic, except vehicles used by the Festival Committee.

The emergency route will commence at Exmouth Gap, and proceed along Westbury Road, President Kennedy Drive, Fontabelle, Cheapside, Broad Street, Charles Duncan O’Neal Bridge, Fairchild Street, River Road and Martindale’s Road, St. Michael.

No person shall park or allow a vehicle to remain stationary along the emergency route, except for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers.

In addition, no person shall park or allow a vehicle to remain stationary on several roads, except for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers. They are:

  • Brighton Road, from its junction with Black Rock Road to its junction with Mighty Grynner Highway
  • Black Rock Road, from its junction with University Drive to its junction with Eagle Hall
  • Deacons Farm Road, from its junction with Deacons Road to its junction with Brighton Road
  • President Kennedy Drive
  • Fontabelle Road
  • Deacons Road
  • Westbury Road

Additionally, Brighton Road, from its junction with Mighty Grynner Highway to its junction with Black Rock Road, shall be a one-way street, with traffic travelling in the direction of Black Rock Road.

All drivers, riders of vehicles, pedestrians, and riders or leaders of animals using any of the roads shall exercise caution and comply with any order given by a member of The Barbados Police Service (TBPS) in uniform.

Any person who contravenes these rules or fails to comply with any order given by a member of TBPS in uniform, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $500, or to imprisonment for a term of three months.

These rules do not apply to vehicles used by The Barbados Police Service, the Barbados Defence Force, or the Barbados Fire Service, or any other emergency vehicle.

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