From left to right – Attorney General Dale Marshall; Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds; Minister of Energy and Business, Senator Lisa Cummins, and UK Minister for the Americas and Caribbean, David Rutley, pose for a photograph following their meeting at Ilaro Court, yesterday. (GP)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley; Attorney General Dale Marshall and UK Minister for the Americas and Caribbean, David Rutley, met on Wednesday, March 29, at Ilaro Court, to discuss increased British support for Barbados in tackling serious and organised crime and other matters.

They were joined by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds; Minister of Energy and Business, Senator Lisa Cummins, and Acting British High Commissioner to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Charley Williams.

At the request of the Prime Minister, senior policing experts from the UK will visit Barbados in the spring to conduct a strategic review of The Barbados Police Service (TBPS).

The UK’s International Police Assistance Service will assess TBPS’ operating model and make recommendations to develop its capability in community policing and fighting violent crime. The review, which will be submitted following the visit, will contribute to the design of a modern and responsive police service.

Barbados also continues to benefit from the presence of the US-UK Criminal Justice Adviser, Sirah Abraham, in Bridgetown. To date, her team has drafted a National Criminal Justice Strategy to tackle police capacity and court backlogs, and provided training on casefile standards.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Dale Marshall, said:“Our Government is committed to strengthening the capacity of The Barbados Police Service and this is reflected in the fact that in the coming financial year, we have provided an unprecedented level of funding for the police service. This strategic review will assist in evaluating the resources of the TBPS, and its ability to protect the citizens of our country.

“I welcome the support of the British Government on this initiative and our longstanding cooperation on criminal justice reform and other key areas of international security.”

UK Minister for the Caribbean, David Rutley, said: “The UK is committed to supporting the security of Barbados, with whom we share close ties of friendship and family.

“It was an honour to meet the Prime Minister and her ministers … to discuss how we can step up cooperation between our countries for the benefit of all Barbadians.

“We are confident UK policing expertise can help the Barbados Police Service tackle the scourge of violent crime and keep its citizens safe.”

During the meeting, Mr. Rutley also welcomed Prime Minister Mottley’s international leadership on climate matters and discussed how the countries can work together on the Bridgetown Initiative.

British High Commission

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