Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business, Sandra Husbands welcoming President of COPANT, Mauricio Céspedes to Barbados, while acting Director of BNSI, Hadyn Rhynd, and Chief Executive Officer of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Philippe Metzger, look on. (BNSI)

The delegates to the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) Annual General Assembly got a “taste” of Barbados’ culture on Sunday night, when a reception was held in their honour at Hilton Barbados Resort.

During the brief speeches, Acting Director of the Barbados National Standards Institution, Hadyn Rhynd, said the organisation is deeply committed to promoting standardisation and quality assurance in Barbados. “We recognise the critical role that standards bodies such as COPANT play in achieving these goals,” Mr. Rhynd stated.

Chief Executive Officer of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Philippe Metzger, expressed the view that the world is realising how fundamental standards are for the advancement of the well-being of humans across the world.

In her remarks, Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business, Sandra Husbands, underscored the importance of standards, as she told the audience that the country is on a journey towards quality.

Ms. Husbands stated: “We recognise that the only way we can make our way in the world is if we are going to be able to produce people of global excellence and that means standards; it means quality. And our question is how do we get our populations to fall in love, to value and to treasure quality?…

“The work of quality brings protection and prosperity to people, and gives people the opportunity to live a wonderful, comfortable and secure life.”

Ms. Husbands thanked the delegates for their dedication to their work in standards, describing it as a “commitment to the betterment of humankind”.

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