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Barbados’ draft new Planning Act and Physical Development Plan will come under the microscope next week when the Barbados Town Planning Society hosts a webinar to look at changes to the planning system.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 8, starting at noon.  Interested persons may register by clicking here.

Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for coordinating infrastructural projects, Dr. William Duguid, will address the gathering and give further details on the development of Barbados’ physical development system.

He will also provide information on major projects in the pipeline in light of the challenges the island faces from climate change. 

The panel discussion will be chaired by President of the Barbados Town Planning Society, Dr. Yolanda Alleyne. Panellists will include private sector planning consultants and officers from the Planning and Development Department (PDD).

The webinar is timely as it provides an updated plan to guide development as the PDD continues to implement new technologies in keeping with a modern Barbados.


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