Gay Persons Not Persecuted In Barbados

Gay Persons Not Persecuted In Barbados

Persons who identify as gay in Barbados are not persecuted for their sexual orientation. Attorney General, Adriel Brathwaite, made this clear yesterday, while dispelling the notion that homosexuals and lesbians were being targeted across the island. Speaking during a...
New Interventions For GIS Wards

New Interventions For GIS Wards

Attorney General, Adriel Brathwaite’s call for a different type of intervention for girls and boys at the Government Industrial School (GIS) has been answered. And, he has expressed his satisfaction and pledged his support after seeing the results and changes that...
Anti-Drug Plan Consultation Jan. 18

Anti-Drug Plan Consultation Jan. 18

Barbados’ National Anti-Drug Plan 2017 to 2021 will be the topic of discussion this Wednesday, January 18, during a consultation of national stakeholders at the Savannah Beach Hotel, from 9:15 a.m. The plan, which is being coordinated by the National Council on...
Minister Highlights BFS’ Achievements

Minister Highlights BFS’ Achievements

A heightened interest in firefighting by the public and the training of 10 auxiliary Fire Officers were among the successes achieved by the Barbados Fire Service (BFS) over the past year. Minister of Home Affairs, Adriel Brathwaite, highlighted the department’s...

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