Transport Board On Track

Transport Board On Track

An electric bus being taken through its paces before returning to service. (Photo Courtesy of the Barbados Transport Board) With the new electric buses having now been on the road for a month, the Transport Board is keeping its promise of adhering to a strict and...
Payment & Collection Of Maintenance

Payment & Collection Of Maintenance

(Stock Photo) The Supreme Court of Barbados has advised that the payment and collection of maintenance monies will be done according to the following schedule: PAYMENT DATE COURT COLLECTION DATE/METHOD Tuesday, April 14   Boarded Hall, and District ‘F’/St. Joseph...
Maintenance Payment In Magistrates’ Courts April 3

Maintenance Payment In Magistrates’ Courts April 3

The Supreme Court Complex. (FP) The following Magistrate’s Courts will be paying maintenance monies tomorrow, Friday, April 3: District ‘B’ Boarded Hall, District ‘C’ St. Matthias, District ‘D’ Cane Garden, District ‘E’ Holetown, District ‘F’ Belleplaine (Cane...

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