Girls’ Bathroom At St. Michael Refurbished

Girls’ Bathroom At St. Michael Refurbished

Girls attending The St Michael School (SMS) will be able to enjoy enhanced bathroom facilities when the 2018-2019 school year starts.  The refurbishment work at the institution was funded by the SMS Parent Teacher Association (PTA). President of the association, Faye...
Dames To Be Honoured At Legacy Concert

Dames To Be Honoured At Legacy Concert

The St. Michael School (SMS) will honour two of its outstanding scholars during its 90th anniversary recital entitled: Legacy the Concert. They are Dame Maize Barker-Welch and Dame Olga Patricia Symmonds, under whose patronage the concert is being held. Legacy the...
Camp Transition Opens August 8

Camp Transition Opens August 8

Camp Transition 2017 will begin next week with an opening ceremony on Tuesday, August 8. The brief ceremony will run from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. in the hall of The St. Michael School, where the camp will be held. This year, the opening will incorporate the launch of the...
Discussion On Depression In Teens

Discussion On Depression In Teens

Persons interested in understanding depression in teens are invited to a discussion at The St Michael School on the topic: Dealing with Depression Among Our Teens – What Parents Need to Know. It will be held tomorrow, Thursday, February 16, at 5:00 p.m. in the...
St. Michael’s School In Demand

St. Michael’s School In Demand

The St. Michael School’s continued excellent performance in academics and other areas is enhancing its demand among parents. This was emphasised today as its Principal, Dr. Yvette Mayers; and Education Minister, Ronald Jones, addressed students, parents and staff at...

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