Constructive Citizenship Key To Success

Constructive Citizenship Key To Success

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart is confident that Barbados will have a successful future, but only if its citizens recognise the need to practise “good and constructive citizenship”. Mr. Stuart expressed this view today as he addressed scores of distinguished guests,...
Prime Minister’s Independence Message

Prime Minister’s Independence Message

Address by Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon Freundel J. Stuart, Q.C., M.P. on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of Barbados’ Independence. Fellow Barbadians, I feel honoured to be able to address you once again on this the 51st Anniversary of the Independence of...
Prime Minister Presented With Stamp Issues

Prime Minister Presented With Stamp Issues

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart this morning received two framed stamp issues from the Barbados Postal Service on the occasion of Barbados’ 51st anniversary of Independence. The stamp issues – 50th Anniversary of Independence 1966 – 2016 and Centenarians of...
45 Years Of Cuba & Barbados Relations

45 Years Of Cuba & Barbados Relations

Barbados has assured Cuba of its support, as that country continues to protest against the economic blockade imposed by the United States. The assurance came from Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, as he received Member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba...
PM Stuart Meets Israeli’s Ambassador

PM Stuart Meets Israeli’s Ambassador

Israel could be providing assistance to Barbados’ agricultural sector in the future. This was one of several areas raised recently when Prime Minister Freundel Stuart met with the State of Israel’s Ambassador to Barbados, Gil Artzyeli, at Ilaro Court.  Mr. Stuart said...

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