Springer Students Plant Trees For Hackathon

Springer Students Plant Trees For Hackathon

Some of the Springer Memorial School students who will be taking part in the upcoming Caribbean.Girls.Hack – 2019 Barbados Summer Hackathon, planting a fruit tree at their school today. Assisting the students are Principal, Mitchelle Maxwell and Head of the...
Springer Memorial Offering New CVQ

Springer Memorial Offering New CVQ

The Springer Memorial Secondary School’s Continuing Education Programme will be offering the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Events and Entertainment Technology – Level 1, from Wednesday, April 24. The qualification targets persons with three or more...
Textbook Collection For Springer

Textbook Collection For Springer

Textbooks for students of the Springer Memorial Secondary School will be available for collection from next Monday, July 24. All books will be issued at the school, Government Hill, St. Michael, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday, July 24, has been scheduled for...
Springer Memorial Offering New CVQ

Continuing Ed. Classes At Springer

Persons seeking to further their education in the new school term may do so through enrolling in the Springer Memorial Continuing Education Programme. The courses, which begin on Monday, September 11, include CSEC subjects such as Biology, English Language,...
Springer Memorial Offering New CVQ

Springer Memorial School ‘On Track’

Deputy Principal of the Springer Memorial Secondary School, Mitchelle Maxwell, is pleased with her school’s progress in academics and athletics. This was made clear when the school unveiled its plans for a plot of land, given to it just over 20 years ago by former...

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