Lashley Urges Radio Stations: Play Bajan Music

Lashley Urges Radio Stations: Play Bajan Music

One Government Minister has urged local radio stations to play more local music. Minister of Culture, Stephen Lashley, made this plea recently when he gave the feature address at the opening of the Cultural Ambassadors Recording Centre at #16 Pelican Village,...
Culture Minister: Know Where You Come From

Culture Minister: Know Where You Come From

Barbadian youth are being encouraged to know their history so that they can contribute to this country’s holistic development. This sentiment was expressed by Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, Stephen Lashley, as he addressed hundreds of young persons gathered at...
Barbados Film Commission Coming

Barbados Film Commission Coming

Plans are under way to establish a Barbados Film and Digital Media Commission. This is the word from Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, Stephen Lashley, who gave brief remarks at the opening of the Science North Canadian Film Festival at the Barbados Museum and...
Lashley: NCF Still Developing Artistes

Lashley: NCF Still Developing Artistes

The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) continues to make a worthwhile mark on the development of local artistes. Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, Stephen Lashley made this observation yesterday during a ceremony in his Sky Mall office, where he presented two...
Lashley Urges Media To Promote Positive Youth

Lashley Urges Media To Promote Positive Youth

Youth Minister, Stephen Lashley, has criticised what he termed as the media’s “over-reliance” on highlighting negative behaviour by some of the nation’s youth. Mr. Lashley’s comments came as he delivered the feature address at the launch of a partnership between the...

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