Jackie Opel’s Grave Restored & Re-dedicated

Jackie Opel’s Grave Restored & Re-dedicated

“A prophet is not without honour except in his own home.” This piece of scripture rang true for the late Dalton Sinclair Bishop, also known as Jackie Opel, the creator of spouge. During a re-dedication ceremony of his final resting place at Westbury Cemetery this...
Culture Minister On Board For Skatepark

Culture Minister On Board For Skatepark

Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, Stephen Lashley, has thanked The Maria Holder Memorial Trust for fully funding a soon-to-be-built, state-of-the-art skatepark. The Minister expressed his gratitude recently during the ground breaking ceremony for the skatepark on...
Lashley: Government Can’t Do It Alone

Lashley: Government Can’t Do It Alone

Although Government is dedicated to the development of youth on the island, it cannot do it alone. This observation came from Minister with responsibility for youth, Stephen Lashley, who delivered the feature address this morning at the ground breaking ceremony for...

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